New York City Meet Up and Other October Community Announcements

Two announcements for the Scholar’s Stage community members.

First of all, I will be visiting New York City shortly. On the afternoon of Sunday, November 7th I will be holding a meet up for readers of the Scholar’s Stage who would like to meet me and other readers in person! This meet up is for all readers, and is not restricted to those supporting this project on Patreon. If you are interested in attending please send an e-mail to scholars [[underscore]] stage [[at]] protonmail [[dot]] com.

I am still looking for a proper venue to host this meet up at. If you have any ideas of a venue that might host 15 or so people in New York City, please include that in your e-mail.


This month’s Zoom-hosted “Ask Me Anything” style chat for the highest tier community members on Patreon is devoted to the question “How did the Bush Administration get Iraq and Afghanistan so Wrong?” I have these Q&As om the last Tuesday of every month. Each one is devoted to a different topic. I have written about this topic in several publications, and my recent series on Afghanistan has thusfar been exclusively devoted to it. The latest entry to this series will be posted on Monday; I also have a longer review essay on the conceptual foundations of the War on Terror that is under review at an outside publication. I will be happy to provide a draft version of this piece to readers attending to Q&A.

I will be hosting  the Q&A from 8:30 EST to 9:30. We will be using Zoom to host the  discussion. The invite for the meeting is found on Patreon.

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