You Do Not Have the People

θ»εœ‹δΉ‹θ¦οΌŒε―ŸηœΎεΏƒγ€‚ The essence of the army and the state: investigate the minds of the people. β€”The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong (2nd century BC) 士民不θ¦ͺι™„οΌŒε‰‡ζΉ―ζ­¦δΈθƒ½δ»₯εΏ…ε‹δΉŸγ€‚ζ•…ε–„ι™„ζ°‘θ€…οΌŒζ˜―δΉƒε–„η”¨ε…΅θ€…δΉŸγ€‚ζ•…ε…΅θ¦εœ¨δΉŽε–„ι™„ζ°‘θ€Œε·²γ€‚  If the people and the nobility are not devoted, then even a Sage King could not guarantee victory. The man who is skilled at obtaining the support of the people is […]

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